1917 Studebaker Sayings of the Satisfied Sales Brochure. Sayings of the Satisfied. Being the testimony of prominent and well-known Massachusetts people who are actual users and owners of Studebaker cars. You can rely and depend upon the word of these people. They have found Studebaker cars and Studebaker Service in Boston worthy of their published endoresment and we submit it to you as proof of the merits of the Studebaker car and the standing of the Donovan Motor Car Co, in Boston. This book contains only a partial list of owners who have found by actual experience that Studebaker Automobiles make satisfied customers. This list of Studebaker owners contains a few names from every section of Greater Boston. If a larger list is required, we will be pleased to furnish any number of additional names. Shows Donovan Motor Car Co President and Vice-President as well as illustration of dealership followed by actual copies of letters praising the merits of Studebaker. Condition: Rusty staples.
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