1922 Hand Book of Automobiles. Foreign Edition. American produced vehicles, book for foreign buyers.
Foreign Supplement at the back of the book gives some information in English, French, German and Spanish.
The book is confined to brief and uniform specifications (including pricing for most) of the principal models produced by the leading manufacturers in the United States who are members of the National Automobile Champer of Commerce, and is prepared as a book of reference and for comparison of the principal points of construction used by the different manufactuers. Those seeking additional details would have contacted the respective companies.
There are unused pre-printed Catalogue Request Blanks near the back. Looks as though one set may have been cut out.
Refer to the alphabetical index for vehicles included. You can also e-mail to check to see if a specific model is included.
Condition: Cover and spine definitely showing age, but the internal pages are in pretty good shape.
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