1926 Delage 6-Cylinder Engine Sales Brochure - may be a reprint by the company of an article by DeAuto (The Car) . Original. Note: Appears some info is in French and some in Dutch.
La Voiture Delage Triomphatrice dans les principales epreuves mondiales Detentrice de 39 records.
du Grand Prix de France 1925
du Grand Prix d'Espagne 1925
du Grand Prix de Grande Bretagne 1926
De Nieuwe 6-Cylinder Delage 17p.k.
Een beschrijving van een Delage-type behoeft geen uitvoerige inleiding, in verband met de standing van dit merk.
The Car Delage Triumphant in the main world events Holding 39 records.
of the 1925 French Grand Prix
of the 1925 Spanish Grand Prix
of the 1926 British Grand Prix
The New 6-Cylinder Delage 17p.k.
A description of a Delage type does not need a detailed introduction, due to the standing of this brand.
Condition: Stamped. Shows some discoloration from age. Some soiling at fold on back. Reddish blemish on inside page.
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