1935 REO Flying Cloud Model 6A Owner's Reference Manual Edition 135. It is our sincere wish that you receive much pleasure from the operation and ownership of this automobile. We have performed our obligations to the best of our ability insofar as the Engineering and Manufacturing is concerned, and now offer our Service facilities to you. We hope you will protect your investment by giving this automobile reasonable care, for in this way only will your family and friends enjoy to the fullest extent the inherent Reo qualities. The following pages contain information as to the construction so that you may appreciate an understand the units of which the car is compsoed; also recommendations as to the care required. We hope this information will be interesting and of assitance to you. It has not been our desire to become technical, for in so doing we might lead to confusion; and it is our heartiest recommendation that when any irregularity is encountered, a visit be made to your Reo Dealer who has the proper facilties and personnel (instructed by factory co-operation) to care for any Maintenance condition; asl he ONLY has the complete supply of Genuine Reo Parts. Includes information on standard warranty, protective maintenace, maintenance record, capacities, lubrication chart, etc.
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