1942 General Motors Corporation Financial Statement for Shareholders March 31, 1942. Original.
To Our Stockholders:
It has been the practice since the inauguration of the original defense effort in May 1940 to deal in the quarterly reports both with the defense activities and the normal activities of the Corporation and in addition to discuss in specials messages matters pertaining particularly to the evolution of the defense effort itself. As of December 7, 1941, the defense effort became an all-out war effort. By the end of the first quarter of 1942 the productive resources of the Corporation were mainly being used or were in process of being adapted to further the war effort. Hence quarterly reports will hereafter deal primarily with the war program -- now the sold objective to which the Corporation's energies ar being directed.
There is presented herein a discussion of the evolution of our war activities during the first quarter of the year; also the statistical record of employment and payrolls and the financial review. However, before passing to these specific subjects, an over-all resume of the general trend might be helpful in enabling the stockholders to obtain a better understanding of existing facts and circumstances.
For the quarter as a whole, nearly 60% of the Corporation's total outside sales represented war materials in various categories. This compares with 9% in the corresponding quarter a year ago...
Condition: As intended, this has been folded in half, thus there is a crease down the middle. Shows light wear/use.
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