1967 Lincoln Continental Sales Brochure. Come live the Continental life '67 style. The Continental life is a way of living. It may include a plane of your own. Vacations in Europe. Being the first to discover a new restaurant. It can mean knowing where to go when the trout season opens. A boat for your family. And a home that is distinctly yours. The Continental life is enjoyed by the kind of person who thinks for himself. The kind of person who is admired for what he is over what he has. It is because Lincoln Continental is so naturally a part of his way of living that we call this the Continental life. Continental reflects his individuality, his own good taste. It's a good car. The very best we have to offer. We invite you to turn the page and examine the 1967 Lincoln Continental. And to add the '67 Continental to the good things in your life this year. Standard features, luxury options, and specifications at the end of the brochure. Very good condition with minor wear [see photos]. Form No. LC67-109
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