1971 Austin 1750 & 1500 Maxi You Cannot Stop Progress Sales Brochure. Austin 1750 & 1500: on n'arrete pas le progress! (You can not stop progress!) Maintenant que la nouvell Maxi sillonne les routes, peut-etre avez-vous ete surprise qu'exterieurement elle presente tant de ressemblance par rapport a la precedente ? Eh bien la raison est simple : apres avoir longuement reflechi et murement etudie la question, nous nous sommes apercu qu'il etait, impossible de l'ameliorer en quoi que ce soit. (Now that the new Maxi is crisscrossing the roads, maybe you were surprised that before that she has so much resemblance to the previous one? Well, the reason is simple: after a long thought and hard study of the question, we realized that it was impossible to improve it in any way.) Brève spécifications à l'intérieur de la couverture arrière. (Brief specifications inside back cover.) Note: French Text
Condition: Dealer stamped. Slight soiling, especially along page edges that are handled the most.
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