1974 Toyota Corona Sales Brochure. La Naissance De La Nouvelle Toyota Corona (The Birth Of The New Toyota Corona). Le But: La Superiorite dans la conuite en securite (The Goal: Superiority in Safety Driving). Des proprtions bien equilibrees, stables et harmonieuses sont atteintes en ajoutant des lignes droites horizontales et des surfaces incurvees a la carrosserie (Well-balanced, stable and harmonious proportions are achieved by adding horizontal straight lines and curved surfaces to the body). L'equipe du departement de la securite effectua de nombreux tests pour offrir aux passagers un systeme de protection ainsi que robustesse et qualite (The safety department team carried out numerous tests to offer passengers a system of protection as well as robustness and quality). Condition: agrafes rouillées (Condition: Rusty staples). Note: French Text.
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