1978 GMC Truck 4500 and Up Diesel Models Except Astro and General Owner's and Driver's Manual. Original.
This manual was prepared to acquaint you with the operation and maintenance of your 1978 GMC Diesel Truck (DOES NOT include Astro 95 and General), and to provide important safety information.
Important Information on Vehicle Loading
Operating Information
Driving Controls
Controls and Switches
Heating and Ventilation
Engine Operation
Exhaust Gas Caution
Transmission Operation
Two-Speed Axle Operation
Inter-Axle Differential Lock
Use of Brakes
Service and Maintenance
Guarding Maintenance
New Truck Break-In
Engine Maintenance
Clutch Controls
Cooling System
Fuel System
Electrical System
Brake System
Steering System
Wheels and Tires
Spring and Suspension Check
Towing Procedure
Vehicle Storage
Appearance Care
Underbody Maintenance
Jacking Instructions
General Data
Tire Load and Inflation Table
Owner Assistance
Condition: These are often shoved in a glovebox and end up showing a decent amount of wear over the years. It does shows some wear/use.
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