This NEW "Packard One Twenty 1935 Technical Data Manual" is a reproduction shop manual. "Since a knowledge of sales is a necessary part of intelligent service contacts, these pages are written with the thought that the Service Man will welcome not only a service treatise, with a description of adjustments, but the background to be gained from a sales and engineering viewpoint as well."
Sections include: engineering specifications, features, frame, front wheel suspension, steering, rear spring suspension, shock absorbers, motor assembly, lubrication, carburetion, muffler, exhaust system, clutch, transmission, fuel system, cooling system, brakes, rear axle, wheels, tires, propeller chart, universal joints, electrical group, instruments, controls, fenders, front end assembly, body features, construction, tool equipment, standard sizes, adjustments, and everything else!
An essential reference for completing your Packard 120 restoration project.
Contents identical to the factory original publication.
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